Workbook for MA course students to traumatology-orthopedic speciality
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    M.Yu. Karimov
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    Reduction of fragment can make manual or with traction apparatus, taking into account of fractures localization and displacements”s character . It is necessary, that for successfully primarily reduction to make completely local anesthesia. In addition it gives relax of muscle. Manipulation is finished with plastering of extremity. Positive result of reduction should confirmed radiographicaly. Reduction fractured surgical neck The mechanism of the injury should be considered carefully in planning reduction. Particularly be alert to potential torsional problems that can be magnified or corrected by method of fracture immobilization. Recognizing the mechanics of these fractures helps one anticipate potential complications as well as select the most effective treatment. The majority (80%) of proximal humeral fractures occur in elder patients and result from indirect twisting mechanism sustained in a fall on the outstretched arm with the elbow extended. Reduction fractured surgical neck The mechanism of the injury should be considered carefully in planning reduction. Particularly be alert to potential torsional problems that can be magnified or corrected by method of fracture immobilization. Recognizing the mechanics of these fractures helps one anticipate potential complications as well as select the most effective treatment. The majority (80%) of proximal humeral fractures occur in elder patients and result from indirect twisting mechanism sustained in a fall on the outstretched arm with the elbow extended.